Coaching Strategies

Virtual Health Coaching. Health Coaching. Personal Coach. Life Coach. Performance Coach. Nutrition Coach. Fitness Coach.

Behavior Change

Catch yourself when a negative thought or judgements occurs. The following questions are helpful to minimize self-limiting thoughts:

  • Is this thought true?

  • How can you absolutely know that it’s true?

  • How do you function when you believe that thought?

  • Who would you operate with out that thought?

Behavior change coaching improves emotional state, goal attainment, leadership skills, mental health, and overall quality of life.

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in America

Virtual Health Coaching. Health Coaching. Personal Coach. Life Coach. Performance Coach. Nutrition Coach. Fitness Coach.

Bridging Health Models

When these two models overlap a person’s health is fully accounted for.

Biomedical Model: Focuses on the physical causes and symptoms of disease and other health problems.

Biopsychosocial Model: Blends the interplay between biological, psychological and social well-being on health.

One-quarter of Americans intend to improve their mental health in 2022

Virtual Health Coaching. Health Coaching. Personal Coach. Life Coach. Performance Coach. Nutrition Coach. Fitness Coach.

Overcoming Obstacles

Together you and Louis will co-actively apply strategies that plan ahead for obstacles and change things up as needed.

More commonly people experience many internal and external obstacles that require a non-linear path.

Americans eat less than the recommended amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, dairy products, and oils

Transtheoretical Model

Lasting change occurs when you’re psychologically ready to truly change your lifestyle.

This model acknowledges that behavioral change is a process that develops overtime and includes the following stages of change:

  • Precontemplation

  • Contemplation

  • Preparation

  • Action

  • Maintenance

Louis will set and maintain a positive tone that helps you recognize and rely on your own unique strengths and assets to be successful.

6 in 10 Adults in the U.S has a Chronic Disease and 4 in 10 Adults have two or more

Virtual Health Coaching. Health Coaching. Personal Coach. Life Coach. Performance Coach. Nutrition Coach. Fitness Coach. health habits. support groups. behavior change. intervention.

Strength Based Coaching

Ultimately, this technique will empower you to choose to focus on your strengths, assets and possibilities for the future rather than ruminate on your weaknesses, deficits and what went wrong in the past.

Gen Z is the most stressed out generation right now

Positive Psychology

A perspective that explores individual strengths and implements strategies to improve happiness and flow.

Positive psychology interventions have shown to significantly enhance well-being and alleviate depression (Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009)

Almost 8 out of 10 Americans reported that COVID-19 has caused them stress

Motivational Interviewing

MI is a communication style that partners with you to explore your ambivalence to adopting healthy lifestyle changes.

MI is often used to address addictions and manage physical health conditions that are related to hypokinetic conditions associated with too little activity.

93,000 drug overdose deaths were reported in 2020 – the highest on record & nearly a 30% increase from 2019

Virtual Health Coaching. Health Coaching. Personal Coach. Life Coach. Performance Coach. Nutrition Coach. Fitness Coach. health habits. support groups. behavior change. intervention.

Health Promotion

Health promotion programs employ science based strategies that empower healthy behaviors that manage and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Sitting more than six hours raises the risk of early death by 19 percent


Research shows self-efficacy predicts prosperous behavior changes, such as being physically active and eating healthfully, and is reinforced from experiencing incremental success.

Self-efficacy is positively related to motivation (Bandura,1986)

Recent reports project that by 2030, half of all adults (115 million adults) in the United States will be obese

Virtual Health Coaching. Health Coaching. Personal Coach. Life Coach. Performance Coach. Nutrition Coach. Fitness Coach. health habits. support groups. behavior change. intervention.

Mental Fitness Coaching

Louis' online coaching plans provide a high-level of support and one-to-one guidance regardless of geographic location.

Custom-built wellness plans are carefully designed to embody your unique needs, goals along with your doctor’s orders.

Technology Tools:

  • Zoom

  • Coaching App

  • Group Challenges

  • Supportive Community Forums

Coaching Credentials

In-Person Booking

Online Training